“There Was a Girl" Slow Love Guitar by Unknown.Donna Darkwolf on an early
Sunday morning in the country.
From Donna's collection - for our romantic dinner waltzes.
Eighth Anniversary with my Pretty Witch on a Sunday Morning in the Country.
The Donna Darkwolf in Her Innocence.
from: Donna darkwolf@netactive.co.za
to: moreno franco morenofranco.design@gmail.com
date: Nov 01, 2015, 08:20 PM
subject: thank you so much for a happy eighth
My franco you are impossible. drag me out into the country for a morning
And then -
just us wolves alone in the peace
nothing to hear but the birds and the wind
nothing to see but the grass and the sky
nothing to do but drift in your embrace
nothing to want but to be loved as you love me
nothing to wish for except that today will last forever
nothing but to be your valentine birthday girl wife for eternity
your only Donna Carissima Bella xxxxxxx :D
RINGS OF MAGICK - Donna Darkwolf' Wedding Card for a Witch.
"You got chains attached to my head
You spreading magick honey all in our bed"
Such a sweet little heart-breaker
I want to take you home with me
Oh! Foxy Lady!
(Bundled lyrics from Jimi Hendrix - Who Knows)
A very strange enchanting girl
She'd wandered very far
Across stars and sea
A little shy but bright of eye
And very wise was she
And when one day
That magic day she passed my way
She told me many secrets
Of black pearls and love with no regrets
This she told to me:
"We have walked this Path before
And we walk this Path again -
As long as our love endures
This Path will never end -
Come walk with me".
NEXT >> Our 9th Anniversary
The Magic Serpent in Eden
Teasing me in the Garden . . .